Kathryn Wheeler

Kathryn Wheeler

Kathryn is the Features Editor at Happiful magazine.

All Kathryn's articles

5 simple outdoor activities that boost your wellbeing

5 simple outdoor activities that boost your wellbeing

5 science-backed benefits of exercise (that aren’t just physical)

5 science-backed benefits of exercise (that aren’t just physical)

5 myths about exercise, debunked

5 myths about exercise, debunked

5 tips for overcoming confrontation anxiety

5 tips for overcoming confrontation anxiety

3 relaxing gua sha routines

3 relaxing gua sha routines

One step at a time: How the simple act of walking can have a deeply healing effect

One step at a time: How the simple act of walking can have a deeply healing effect

Four powerful anti-anxiety herbs you can grow right now

Four powerful anti-anxiety herbs you can grow right now

What can we learn from the ‘shikata ga nai’ culture?

What can we learn from the ‘shikata ga nai’ culture?

5 ways to immediately challenge anxious thoughts at work

5 ways to immediately challenge anxious thoughts at work

Maladaptive daydreaming: What’s the reality?

Maladaptive daydreaming: What’s the reality?

30 uplifting springtime affirmations

30 uplifting springtime affirmations

What is it that makes the true crime genre so fascinating to so many people?

What is it that makes the true crime genre so fascinating to so many people?

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We’re on a mission to create a healthier, happier, more sustainable society.